Sparkling Rocco 750 ml
Sparkling Rocco 750 ml
Apple juice is a thing of the past! Today we toast with our “Sparkling Rocco”, the alcohol-free apple aperitivo from South Tyrol! The 750ml bottle is our largest version.
We produce our Sparkling Rocco from 100% direct juice from red-fleshed apples. The apples used for production are grown in Lana (South Tyrol), among other places. The pressed juice is pasteurized and carbonated.
This acidic, fresh taste makes Rocco perfect as an aperitif and also as a mixed drink for numerous cocktails.
100% red-fleshed apple juice from South Tyrol
- Made with passion
- Pressed in South Tyrol
- 2-3 working days delivery time
Our goal is to offer a drink that is both refreshing and elegant, but also 100% alcohol-free! This makes Sparkling Rocco the perfect companion for any occasion - be it a cozy evening with friends, a festive meal or simply a relaxing moment for yourself.
Inspired by nature and the rich culture of South Tyrol, we focus on sustainability and quality. Our aperitif contains no artificial additives and is rich in natural flavors and vitamins.
Whether you're toasting with friends or climbing a mountain, Sparkling Rocco always provides the perfect refreshment!
Rocco x Sizilien
Rocks, sun, sea & Sparkling Rocco!
Our connoisseurs live the Rocco lifestyle ;)