Virgin StayTonic

Virgin Stay Tonic


  • Sparkling Rocco
  • Herbal Tonic Water
  • 0.0% Gin
  • Gartnitur lemon peel


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes to pre-chill it.
  2. Pour 5 cl 0.0% gin over the ice.
  3. Add 3 cl Herbal Tonic Water to add the herbal note.
  4. Fill the glass with Sparkling Rocco to give the cocktail a sparkling touch.
  5. Squeeze a lemon peel over the glass to release the essential oils, then garnish the cocktail with the lemon peel.
  6. Stir gently to blend the flavors without losing the carbonation.
  7. Enjoy your VIRGIN STAYTONIC

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